



MSG-Free Dashi with Kombu

MSG-Free Dashi with Kombu

Eden Clean-Harvest Kombu

Eden Clean-Harvest Kombu

Want clearer skin, a stronger immune system (especially as the weather cools), improved digestion, and anti-aging benefits?Then Eat miso!  You can get all these benefits from eating miso and it is one of my favorite go-to meals on or off our program!Here at The 40 Day Green Cleanse we are always on a quest to create the tastiest, most fortifying, and all natural soups that can be used on or off of our program!  Miso hosts a slew of health benefits; it is fermented and made from fermented soybeans, and packs a 2-for-1 punch by providing probiotics essential to gut health and overall immunityalso provides therecommended amount of protein and aminos for people who many not be consuming animal proteins for a variety of reasons, AND provides your recommended intake of Iodine via the dashi stock and kombu!Miso Soup is a traditional Japanese staple, and the base usually consists of Miso Paste, Dashi, (which gets its Umami, or "5th Taste" from bonito flakes, or dried, fermented fish flakes), and most often Kombuor some type of other seaweed. When making our miso soup, our greatest concern was making sure that everything we used was free of MSG (Eden Bonito flakes are some of the bestand MSG free. Dashi usually has a high amount), additives/preservatives, and that the Kombu was harvested from a reliable company to ensure that it was devoid ofheavy metals and pollution-related by-products. The varieties and recipe combinations, and the beauty of the soup is that it can be tailored to individual tastes!For those that do not consume fish for dietary or ethical reasons (or because you are doing a level 1 or 2 on the program), you can substitute the Bonito with extra Kombu strips or Shiitake mushroomsand get an equally delicious meal!Miso can be enjoyed on it's own, with the addition of Soba noodlesand tofu if you need something a little heavier, or as a starter or side dish to a heavier meal.We hope you enjoy our Miso Recipe as much as we did! See below for the complete recipe.Miso Soup Recipe (level 3 and 4)What You Will Need:

Prep:Prepare Kombu and Wakame:Combine Kombu with warm water to cover by 1 inch and let stand 15 minutes, or until reconstituted. Drain in a sieve.In a separate bowl, repeat the same steps for Wakame.Make soup:

  • Start Water until Boiling point.

  • Bring boil down and add in your Dashi of Kombu, Miso Paste, and Bonito flakes (we put the bonito in a disposable tea bag like this one)

  • Stir frequently until Miso is totally dissolved.

  • Add in the Yam noodles.

  • Let cook at a simmer for at least 20 minutes to allow broth to develop and to allow konnyaku noodles to soften.

  • Add in your tofu and green onion. Add wakame if you are including an additional seaweed. Do not serve the Kombu .

  • Ladle all ingredients and eat with a soup spoon and chopsticks, along with another main course you may be eating with the soup.

  • Serves approx. 3 people.

enJOY!Yve Stay connected: Instagram and Facebookfor inspirations and upcoming programs and events.