Fun in the kitchen, Miso Chard Soup *RECIPE*

Fun in the Kitchen with Current Green Team Member Jeen Na Park

It's finally cooling down out there for us Californians and lucky for us Miso is on our neutral foods list for Levels 2, 3.& 4 (plus it has tons of protein, is a gut-healthy



Thank you Jeen Na Park for this recipe inspiration!

Here it is,

Miso Chard Soup




Miso chard soup

(level 2,3,4 -slight edits for level 1)

Prep time: 35 minutes:::::::::1 bunch of chard: chopped.2 cloves of garlic: sliced2 slices of fresh ginger2 tbsp miso5 cups of water1 tbls olive oil1 tsp Braggs Amino Acidpinch of sea saltA few stalks of green onion: chopped---------In a large pot, add olive oil, garlic, ginger and turn on medium heat until fragrance is released. Add chard to pot Mix together until color brightens (a few minutes). Add water, miso, and Braggs. Cook until chard softens to desired consistency. (I suggest about 20 minutes on med-high heat) Add your salt to taste. Ladle soup into a bowl and top with fresh sliced scallions.*this comes out like a broth but you could add lentils/ mung beans or mung bean noodles to give it a fuller body.Recipe by Green Team Member Jeen Na Park


~Yve Hart

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